7 Nurse Appreciation Gift Ideas: Compression Socks, Leg Rests and More

With National Nurses Week coming up from May 6 through 12, 2019, now is the perfect time to show the nurse in your life how much you appreciate them. To help you celebrate the week, we offer seven gift ideas below that any nurse in your life will be thrilled to receive.

ames walker white leg rest 

1. Leg Elevation Pillows

Because they’re on their feet for hours at a time, nurses are at risk for swelling and bad circulation in their lower legs. This poor circulation can lead to other problems, including pain and achiness. Lying down at the end of a shift and elevating the legs properly for 15-20 minutes will help blood and other fluids drain towards the core and help reverse some of those effects.

However, it can be tricky to hold the right form (especially when you’ve been on your feet for 12+ hours), so any nurse will appreciate receiving a special leg elevation pillow to help them elevate their legs properly.

2. Compression Socks

Speaking of bad circulation, nurses don’t have to wait until the end of a shift to fight its effects: Enter compression socks. These socks provide graduated pressure from the ankle to the knee that encourages blood and other fluids to keep moving. One of the main benefits of compression socks for nurses is that they can help improve circulation in tired, aching legs. Combined with daily leg elevation, compression socks can make a serious difference in a nurse’s circulation for the better.

medical uniform footwear

3. Therapeutic Shoes

Comfortable, supportive shoes are an absolute must for nurses since they spend so much time on their feet. Orthopedic shoes look just like regular shoes but are designed to provide the highest levels of comfort and support. While some nurses opt for the classic nursing clog, others prefer a therapeutic tennis shoe that offers a bit more flexibility in the sole. If the nurse in your life is already experiencing foot trouble, you may also want to look into custom orthotics (or inserts) which can help address their unique needs.

4. New Medical Equipment

New clinical equipment such as stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs don’t come cheap, which discourages some people from upgrading them as often as they might. These gifts may be a bit of a splurge, but they are sure to make nurses feel loved and appreciated. This equipment might not seem like a fun or romantic gift idea, but the nurse in your life will use such equipment every day, whereas more fun novelty gifts are often left to gather dust in the back of a closet. If you need help picking out a model, ask one of their trusted nursing friends for help.

5. Coffee Mugs

The human body is made up of 60% water—but, for some nurses, that figure might as well be 60% coffee. Working three 12-hour shifts per week (a standard nursing schedule) is tough on sleep cycles, especially when nurses work the night shift, and many of them drink caffeine on a daily basis to cope. Thankfully, there are many special nurse-themed mugs available, and they make the perfect affordable Nurse Appreciation gift. If you want a bigger gift, you can always get a nice coffee maker to go with the mug.

6. Silicone Ring

Wearing fancy wedding rings to work at a hospital isn’t a great idea: The metal will be exposed to all kinds of chemicals and fluids, not to mention some of the stones could get knocked loose. Plus the ring (depending on the design) can also cut through latex gloves and pose a hazard. If your partner still wants to wear a ring at work but doesn’t want to risk their official wedding band, consider a silicone ring instead. The silicone is soft, comfortable, durable and easily washed, making it an excellent choice for anyone who works a lot with their hands.

7. Massage or Spa Visit

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Nurses are so wrapped up in taking care of patients that they sometimes forget to take care of themselves. Help remedy the situation by booking them a massage or an appointment at the local spa. If you’re not sure what treatment your nurse would like, you can’t go wrong with a gift card to a reputable local spa. That way, they can book their own sessions for the perfect self-care package.

Nurses deserve to be celebrated every week of the year, but National Nurses Week is a great way to start. Whether it’s through giving one of these gifts or a writing simple “thank you” card, don’t forget to show some appreciation to the nurse in your life, come the beginning of May.


About the Author

Kaki Zell - Vice President of Sales, Marketing, eCommerce at Legs-4-Life LLC Kaki holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Management from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. She’s been working in the medical device industry for over 11 years and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Greensboro Science Center.  

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