Seven Reasons Every Nurse Should Invest in Support Socks

As a nurse, you’re on your feet a good majority of your shift, so you know that anything you can do in the foot relief category is super important. After all, studies show that professionals who stand or walk all day are at a greater risk of prolonged discomfort and aches and pains all over the body, especially in the lower limbs. One of the best ways you can provide essential support to your legs and feet is to wear support socks beneath your scrubs while you’re on your feet and after you’ve clocked out.

These special socks provide slight compression to boost blood flow and ease aching legs, so they’re a popular accessory among nurses and others in the medical field. Here are some reasons why nurses should invest in several pairs of high-quality compression socks.

healthcare workers

1. They Offer Relief After Long Shifts — One primary benefit of compression socks is that they boost muscle recovery. In other words, they help your muscles heal faster after they’ve been put to work all day. Some nurses even don their support socks when they’re off-duty to help encourage quick relief.

2. They Boost Blood Circulation — Poor circulation can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms, including coldness, muscle cramps, pain, fatigue, throbbing and tingling — and nurses who are on their feet all day are more likely to suffer from compromised circulation. A set of support socks can help keep the blood flowing so that you don’t feel any of these symptoms throughout the day.

3. They Relieve Symptoms of Problem Veins — Varicose and spider veins (large, swollen blood vessels that occur due to poor venous circulation) aren’t just unpleasant to look at: They can also cause serious pain and cramping. Increasing the blood flow in your legs and feet by wearing support socks can help prevent these veins and provide some relief to existing ones.

4. They’re Easy to Wear Under Your Uniform — A good pair of graduated compression stockings should be slim and discreet beneath your uniform. And because they come in so many unique styles, from ankle socks to pantyhose, you can be sure yours will meet your facility’s dress code, whatever it may be. Depending on what style you choose, you can even wear support socks as a base layer if you prefer to wear special socks over them.

5. They Keep Feet Dry and Comfortable — Many support socks are made with a mix of technical and natural fabrics to help wick away moisture and gently cushion the feet for all-day comfort. Look for styles with moisture-wicking fabrics to prevent sweaty feet and to ensure that those gross foot odors don’t persist even after washes. You’ll also find that some pairs are equipped with built-in padding that gives your feet a little cushion on the job.

      ankle injury

        6. They Stay Up During Activity — You’ll notice that many compression socks are made with performance materials and have elastic bands built-in to help keep them in place during movement, which is why they’re often worn by athletes (especially runners). As for nurses, this means that you won’t have to spend the day pulling up your socks or stockings.

        7. They Keep Your Legs Going — When you wear support socks, your legs will be less sore after work, so you can enjoy your life to the fullest while you’re not on the clock. As a result, you’ll be able to take advantage of the day and night without worrying about sore feet and legs, which can seriously impact your precious time off.

          female nurse

          Finding Your Perfect Compression Socks

          Every professional has his or her own set of needs, and not all compression garments are right for everyone. Ames Walker offers a convenient system to help match you with the right socks for your needs.

          About the Author

          Kaki Zell - Vice President of Sales, Marketing, eCommerce at Legs-4-Life LLC Kaki holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Management from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. She’s been working in the medical device industry for over 11 years and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Greensboro Science Center.  

          Written October 2018 | Page Last Updated January 2022


          Mayo Clinic. “Varicose Veins- Symptoms and Causes” 

 “Why Every Nurse Should Wear Compression Stockings” 

          University Health News. “Poor Circulation Is Nothing to Ignore”

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