Brand Spotlight: Juzo Compression Gear

Whether you’re new to compression therapy or a veteran looking to switch brands, we have a recommendation for you: Juzo compression gear. We love this brand for its long history of creating high-quality, good-looking products, as well as its commitment to innovation and sustainability. And we’re not the only ones who think so! Our customers love Juzo compression products as much as we do.

Here are the top six reasons this brand is one of our favorites:

Juzo Compression socks

  1. It has more than 100 years of experience in the industry.

In 1912, founder Julius Zorn opened his first compression stocking factory, “Funk and Viertel,” in Zeulenroda, East Germany, the so-called stocking capital of the world. The Juzo company has been making compression products ever since, and it’s still owned by the Zorn family: Annerose Zorn, the great-great-granddaughter of Julius, is the president; her daughter, Petra Zorn, is vice president; and her son, Walter Zorn, is vice president of operations. The family ensured that Juzo’s legacy of quality products has continued unbroken through the years, and Juzo continues to be a leader in the industry.

  1. It blazes the way in compression innovation.

Not content to rest on its historical laurels, Juno is constantly innovating, and the company counts many industry firsts among its track record. In fact, in 1919, Julius Zorn was actually the very first compression stocking maker to switch from weaving the fabrics to knitting them, a major leap forward in technology. Juzo was also the first compression product manufacturer to incorporate computer technology into the production process in the 1970s, and in 2004, the company became the first to knit high-content silver into medical graduated compression garments.

Juzo Compression armsleeve

  1. Its Seasonal Colors collections are always on trend.

If you’re tired of compression garments that look out of date, look no further: Juzo’s Seasonal Colors collections are designed to reflect the most up-to-the-minute hues and complement regular, non-compression fashion lines. Launched in 2010, the Seasonal Colors concept releases two batches of colors a year, once in spring/summer and again in fall/winter. Many styles of compression garment are available in these colors including knee high socks, thigh high stockings, leggings, arm sleeves, gauntlets and gloves.

  1. Its products are very soft and comfortable.

Some people find certain brands of compression products itchy or difficult to wear, but this isn’t the case for Juzo compression socks and sleeves. Juzo was one of the first manufacturers to transition to latex-free materials, and the company also uses a special technology called FiberSoft to improve the feel of garments. In the FiberSoft process, every elastic fiber is micro-spun with soft protective threads that provide a gentle barrier between the skin and the elastic, cutting down on irritation. This process also makes the elastic glide more easily over your skin, so it’s less difficult to don the compression garments.

Juzo leg Compression

  1. It offers a wide range of thoughtful designs.

Juzo offers many classic compression product designs, including compression socks, hosiery, sleeves and more. The company also added compression wraps — or inelastic compression garments — to its portfolio in 2015. The company continues to experiment and add new products and updates as customer desires evolve over time. Whatever compression garment you’re looking for, Juzo probably has a solution for you.

  1. It’s a leader in sustainability.

Juzo has always put making high-quality, therapeutically proven compression above all else. However, this doesn’t mean they don’t care about the environment. In 2011 the company installed a wind turbine and solar panels as part of its green initiative. This helps to reduce the company’s carbon footprint and to decrease air contaminants that can weaken the circulatory system and contribute to lung and heart disease. The company has also made other improvements, such as instituting a recycling program and installing motion-sensitive lights that cut down on energy use and reduce waste. Now you can feel good while you wear your compression products — and feel good about buying them.

If you’re in the market for new compression gear, you can’t go wrong with Juzo. The brand has a long history of great products, and it has been and will remain a leader in the compression therapy industry with its many breakthroughs. Feel free to browse our collection of Juzo compression gear and remember that our dedicated customer service team is always happy to help you find the perfect product, so feel free to reach out if you’d like advice.


About the Author

Kaki Zell - Vice President of Sales, Marketing, eCommerce at Legs-4-Life LLC Kaki holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Management from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. She’s been working in the medical device industry for over 11 years and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Greensboro Science Center.  

Written November 2018 | Page last updated April 2022


Juzo. “Juzo & Medical Compression Garments: Over 100 Years of History” 

Juzo. “Meet the Juzo Family” 

Juzo. “Printed Compression Sleeves & Stockings” 

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